Friday, September 28, 2012

Joy and Peace

"For you shall go out with joy,
and be led out with peace."

Isaiah 55:12

A woman said to her friend, "I don't know what's wrong with me. The joy for life is gone and I don't have peace. What could be causing this?" Her friend said, "I really don't know, if you don't know. Only God knows, and our joy and peace comes from Him." The woman said, "That's it. I've simply neglected my relationship with God, and slowly I've drifted away from Him."

Joy and peace are fruit of the Holy Spirit at work in the believer's life (Galatians 5:22). God promises to lead His people with joy and peace. All of us may slowly drift away from intimacy with God. Then, we suddenly awaken to the fact that something is missing. We may not have committed what some would consider a terrible sin. We have just drifted from close communion with God. When joy and peace is not there, it's time to renew our fellowship with God.

Let us renew our relationship with God, and the joy and peace will return. In His presence is joy unspeakable. He is our peace. If we have committed sins that grieve the Holy Spirit, let us confess them and turn away from them. He will forgive us and restore the joy (1 John 1:9; Psalm 51:12). Perhaps, we have simply forgotten to consider God's will in the decisions of life. Once again, let Him guide us day by day with joy and peace.

Prayer: Father, lead us in the Spirit of joy and peace, through Christ our Lord.