Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Security in Life

"As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
so the LORD surrounds His people from this time forth and forever."

Psalm 125:2

A wife and her husband were seated at the breakfast table. He had finished eating, and he was looking at the morning newspaper. He said to his wife, "When you look at the news and see all the bad things that are happening to people, it could make you afraid to go anywhere." She said, "You need to put that newspaper down and read the daily devotional. She handed him the devotional book. Look, the Scripture is from Psalm 125:2. It states that the LORD surrounds His people. If we believe that, we have security that the world can't understand." Her husband responded, "I see my problem, I began the day with the newspaper instead of God's Word."

God's covenant children have security in the name of the LORD. That doesn't mean that bad things cannot come our way. It does mean that nothing can come our way until God allows it. He is our security. "He surrounds His people from this time forth and forever." Satan couldn't touch Job until God allowed it. The apostle Peter couldn't be tempted with fear, until God permitted Satan to sift Simon Peter as the wheat. In both cases, God had a purpose and it was fulfilled. Satan, temptation, testing and fear are shut-out of God's children's lives until He permits it. He surrounds His people with security now and forever!

When God allows us to be tested, we need not fear nor fret. He has a good purpose in mind. The outcome may not be known, but the results are sure. He who knows the end from the beginning is the same One who surrounds His people forever. It was no accident when Job was tested. It was no coincidence when Peter was tempted to deny Christ. Both of these children of God were victorious in the end. They learned through experience what could never be taught through the hearing of the ears. So it is in the life of every believer, the LORD surrounds us now and forever.

Prayer: LORD, You are our security through all the trying circumstances of life. Our fears are futile and vain in the face of Your surrounding presence. You have promised to be with us always, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.