Jesus said, "You cannot serve God and mammon."
Luke 16:13
A man had been a millionaire. His business took a sharp, sudden decline, as the national economy fell on hard times. At first, he was bitter and resentful. He avoided his friends and sought seclusion. During those times alone, he came to realize that his goal of being financially wealthy had cost him too much. His marriage had suffered, because he was seldom at home. He had become a stranger to his children. Worst of all, in his success, he had forgotten his relationship with God.
His financial loss became a blessing. He found more time for his wife and family. He renewed his personal relationship with God. He said to anyone who would listen, "My business failure was a blessing in disguise. I'm blessed with a better marriage and relationship with my family. We don't have as much, but we have each other. Most importantly, I'm serving God through the ministries of our church."
Jesus taught that we cannot serve God and mammon. The word mammon refers to the god of wealth. It's a matter of priority. We cannot serve both. A choice must be made. As we choose to serve God, He provides for our needs. We become wealthy toward God, rich in faith. We fulfill our God-given assignment on this earth. If God chooses to bless us with financial wealth, we use it for His glory. His will for our lives has first priority.
A pastor spoke these words to his church, "If money was no problem, how would you serve God?" That question pierced the heart of a man in the congregation. He later said to the pastor, "God called me to preach years ago. I thought that I couldn't afford to do it. Now, I know that I cannot afford not to serve God." He made a choice between God and mammon. What has God put in your heart to do? Who will you serve?
Father, set us free from mammon to do Your will.