"As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young,
spreading out its wings, taking them up,
carrying them on its wings ..."
Deuteronomy 32:11
How the eagle cares and trains its young gives us some analogies on how God works in our lives as His children. The eagle provides everything for its eaglets, even as our God is Jehovah-jireh, the LORD who provides. However, the day comes when the eagle stirs the nest and does a new thing. The eagle takes the young ones on its wings to soar high into the sky. Then the eagle drops them only to try their own wings. As they begin to fall, the eagle swoops under each one to lift them up again. This continues with the eaglets until each one learns how to fly.
Has God stirred your nest? Are you out of your comfort zone? Trust Him. He is teaching you new lessons in life. There may be times when you feel like He has dropped you and forgotten you. There even may be times when you feel as though He is upset with you. You simply don't understand what He's doing in your life. Continue to trust Him.
You can trust God to be there for you, just when you need Him most. Like the eagle swooping under the eaglet spiraling downward, so God keeps His eye upon you. When it looks like He has forgotten you, He is there at just the right moment to support you. He wants us to grow and mature in our faith.
Faith is strengthened through the anxious moments of life. We discover once again that God is still in control. His faithfulness to help us at just the right moment becomes the experience of our faith. God hasn't forgotten you. He's up to something good. Trust God when life upsets you.
God, we trust You when we understand and when we don't.