Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Song for You

"Sing to the LORD a new song, 
and His praise from the ends of the earth."

Isaiah 42:10

An elderly man had never expressed any interest in religion. In the late years of his life, he confessed his faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized. His wife said that she had never heard him sing. Now, he sang the hymn "Amazing Grace" every day. She admitted that he didn't have the best voice to sing, but she knew that it was coming from his heart. He was like a new man, singing to the LORD.

A new song in the Bible refers to a new experience of God in the lives of His people. Faith can be expressed in many different ways, and singing to the LORD is often one of the best ways. It is the expression of praise to God for who He is in our lives.

When I look back on my faith journey with God, I can think of several songs and hymns that expressed what God was doing in my life. There was always a song to express the joy of my faith. Those songs I still sing to the LORD.

Maybe you have already thought of hymns or songs that have special meaning for you. The words of those songs express what God has done in your life. Don't wait for them to sing those songs at church. Sing them to the LORD as you praise Him in your personal times of worship. There's a song for you.