Thursday, March 16, 2017

Knowing God's Grace

Knowing God's grace comes through faith in Christ. He is full of love and grace. When we know how gracious Jesus is, then we experience His favor that cannot be earned and never deserved.

So many have sung the words to the old hymn Amazing Grace without knowing that they are singing about Jesus. He is certainly amazing, and He is the fullness of grace. Believers in Jesus can say, "And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace" (John 1:16).

So many people think that they must change their lives to be accepted by Jesus. Listen, the opposite is true. Jesus knows that you cannot change your life without His grace. To the contrary, He accepts you as a sinner to change your life by His grace and for His glory.

There are many who think that they are not good enough to have a personal relationship with Jesus. None of us are. Jesus accepts us through grace alone to change our lives. If you wait until you are good enough to come to Jesus, you will never come. So, come to Him as you are. His grace will change you, the wonderful grace of Jesus, greater than all our sins.

Receive the grace of Jesus by faith alone. Trust Him to change your life through grace for grace. His fullness of grace is for all who believe, trusting in Christ alone.