"He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever."
Hebrews 10:12
Hebrews 10:12
A Christian was trying to share the gospel of Christ with a friend. The friend asked, "How can a man who lived so many years ago take away my sins through His death? He died before I was born or had done anything wrong." The Christian said, "The Bible teaches that He died for the sins of the world. It also teaches that all who believe, in His death at the cross for their sins and resurrection, will be saved." The man replied, "I just don't understand." The Christian said, "Let me give you an illustration. Before we were born, there was a man who invented the electric light bulb. We use his invention every night. It's for everyone who will turn the lights on. Jesus is the light of the world."
In Old Testament days, the priests offered animal sacrifices on the altar at the tabernacle, and later at the temple. They all pointed to the One who would offer "one sacrifice for sins forever." There is no longer a tabernacle, nor a temple. The only sacrifice for sins available today is at the cross of Jesus. What He did for sinners at the cross is for all who believe, and it's forever. All have sinned against God's commands, and all need a sacrifice for their sins (Romans 3:23; 5:8).
Is Christ your sacrifice for sin? He certainly is, if you believe that He died for your sins and was raised from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is evidence that God the Father accepted His sacrifice for all of our sins. That's good news. The New Testament calls it the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). It's all about Jesus, who "offered one sacrifice for sins forever."
Prayer: Father, we glory in the cross of Jesus, our sacrifice for sins forever. Amen.