Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Holy Spirit Also

"The Holy Spirit also witnesses to us."

Hebrews 10:15

A man said to his pastor, "I try to witness to everyone who will listen, especially my family and friends, about Jesus. I want people to know how Jesus can change their lives. Yet, it seems so many of them don't want to hear. That's discouraging to me." The pastor said, "Always remember, God wants us to be witnesses, but the Holy Spirit is the witness with us. Without His witness no one will come to Jesus. We tell people about Jesus, depending upon the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts."

Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, said, "Witnessing is sharing the gospel of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, leaving the results to God." We must recognize our inability to change peoples lives. We need to tell them about Jesus, and share what He has done in our lives. Having done all that we can, only the Holy Spirit can reveal Christ in their hearts. He convinces people to believe in Christ (John 16:7-11). 

A woman was burdened for her husband to receive Christ as his Lord and Savior. She constantly talked with him and shared gospel literature. Often, it irritated him. Finally, she realized that he had heard what he needed to know, but he was unconvinced still. She no longer spoke to him about Christ, but she talked to God about him, asking that the Holy Spirit would convince him. Months later, a man on the job with him shared his testimony about Jesus. His heart was touched deeply. He came home and said to his wife, "I decided today that I really do need Jesus in my life." God used his wife's testimony, gospel literature, and his friend's testimony, but the Holy Spirit touched his heart. "The Holy Spirit also witnesses to us."

Prayer: Father, may the Holy Spirit use our witness to bring others to Jesus Christ. Amen.