Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Will God Help Me?

"Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you
with My righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41:10

A woman said to her friend on the job, "I hope you will pray for me. I've got serious problems. Do you think God will really help me?"  Her friend said, "I know God will help you. No doubt about it. You trust in God, and He is your Helper. The Lord is the helper for all believers. We can say, 'The Lord is my helper.' That's in your Bible, Hebrews 13:6." God did help that woman through all of her trouble. She stood on God's promise through all the days of her trouble, believing God would honor His word. He did.

We would like to believe that we could go through life without any problems, but trouble is part of the fabric of life. There is a good side for the believer going through problems. We realize our need of God more than ever. Also, we find that God is faithful to His word to perform it. It's during our times of trouble that we usually pray more often. Also, during the difficulties of life we discover again and again that God really is our helper.

Are you facing any problems at this time in your life? Walk in God's word and find the Bible promises that apply to your life at this time. Read them again and again. Memorize them. Pray them back to God. Stand on the promises that cannot fail. God will help you through His word.

Prayer: God, we receive you as our helper, in Jesus name. Amen.