Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Do The Word

The Bible is God's word to you that can change your life. Read the word of God. Believe the word and do the word. Reading the Bible for information is not enough. Do the word, and see what God does in your life. Suppose a medical doctor gave you a prescription to heal some illness. It would only work if you filled the prescription and took the medicine as prescribed. So it is with the word of God.

How can the Bible change your life? It will be life changing for you only if you do the word. Many are willing to hear the word of God taught, but they do nothing about it. Only hearing the word will never change your life, but be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves (James 1:22). 

Hear the word taught. Read the word for yourself, but don't stop there. Do something about it to change your life. Read the Bible for more than history of the ancient past. Hear the word for more than a good sermon about God. Determine to do the word, and see what God will do in your life.

Do you have a problem in your life that needs to be resolved? Are you in a life situation that needs to be changed? Ask the Lord what you should do about it. Read the Bible to apply it to your life. It can change your life.