"This is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith."
1 John 5:4
Someone has said, "The world is not a playground. It's a battle field." While we may enjoy life with days filled with fun, nevertheless, the battles will come. Those battles can be fierce, full of danger and trouble. For the child of God, the victory is certain. Our faith overcomes the world, because it is faith in God. In an old hymn of the church, "Have Faith in God," we find these words: "Have faith in God. He cannot fail. He must prevail. Have faith in God. Have faith in God." Our faith is not in our strength nor our ability. Our faith is in God. We fail often, but He cannot fail. He must prevail.
Our faith is tested as gold purified through the fire. The fire cannot destroy the gold. It only removes the dross. So it is with the trial of our faith. The dross of our lives will melt away, but our faith shall prevail. It does so for two reasons. Our faith is in God and it is from God. This faith comes as an abiding gift of God (1 Cor. 13:13). False faith may look good only for awhile. In times of testing it shall fail. The genuine faith of God's people endures trial, testing, trouble and suffering. It even endures in the face of death.
How can we be sure that we have a true faith? It's not a faith that we uphold. It's a faith that upholds us. No matter what comes our way in life, we cannot help but trust in God, for we walk by faith not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). "The world didn't give it to us, and the world can't take it away." The Holy Spirit has made His presence real in our hearts and minds through His abiding gift of faith. We have victory!
God, thank You for faith that can withstand testing.